an Extended Magazine Release Button on a Ruger® 22/45™
by Roy Seifert
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Please note that I am not a professional gunsmith,
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tinkerer. This
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recently converted the grip frame of my Ruger® 22/45™ to
accept 1911 grips (refer to my article Converting
a Ruger® 22/45™ to Accept 1911 Grips).
However, the new grips were thick enough that it was
difficult to press the magazine release button.
So I decided to install an oversize magazine release
button. These
buttons are designed for 1911 pistols, but will also fit on
the 22/45™. I
purchased one manufactured by Ed Brown from Midway

First I
made sure the gun was unloaded, and then I completely
disassembled the grip frame.
The instructions that came with the button stated that
I needed to drill a 3/32” hole in the center of the magazine
release to a depth of 1/4“.
They recommended using a 3/32” ball end milling bit.
Since I have a mill and a 3/32” ball end bit, this is
what I used to mill the hole in the center.
Next I took
a 4-40 tap and carefully tapped the center hole using plenty
of tap oil. Since
all I had was a taper tap, I ground some of the end off to
make it a more like a plug tap.
This allowed me to tap more threads before bottoming
the tap in the hole. The
milling and tapping process left a slight burr around the top
of the hole, which I removed with a flat jeweler’s file.
I cleaned
the tapped hole with a shot of brake parts cleaner and
reassembled the grip frame.
The grip panel was now interfering with the extended
magazine release button so I had to grind a relief in the edge
of the panel so the magazine release would move freely.
Prior to
installing the new button I put a drop of Loctite blue on the
threads of the set screw so it would not come loose.
Now I can reach the magazine release very easily with
my right thumb.
Although I
used a mill to make the hole, if I was going to use a 3/32”
drill I would have used the extended button as a guide to
ensure the hole was centered, and I would have used a drill
press to ensure the hole was straight.